Monday, December 13, 2010

News Article: Obama califica de "actos irresponsables" las filtraciones de Wikileaks

This article is very important politically for the United States and all of our allies, because it details what has been going on recently with Wikileaks.  Wikileaks is a free website created by Julian Assange that hosts millions of classified American war reports from the conflicts in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.  Some of the information contained in the files is of very sensitive subject matter, and the United States government has been very worried about what could happen if the information got out.  The website is actively expanding; in it's first year alone the database contained more than 1.2 million articles.

The article explains a recent political summit (COP16) held in Cancun to discuss the possible fallout of Wikileaks with the Mexican President, Felipe Calderon.  193 countries all were able to reach a sort of understanding about the situation, but not the Bolivian Delegation.  The problem with Wikileaks is that it could seriously damage American relationship's with allies, as some of the documents may prove how the American government has sometimes done less than courteous things to get their way with other countries.

After the summit, Obama congratulated Calderon "for his leadership and excellent work done by the government of Mexico" for his help in a successful end to the meeting.  Obama was also quoted saying that "thanks to Mexico in Cancun Conferences historic agreements were achieved and concrete and effective action on climate change, which represent an important step in the right direction on this matter,"  At the end of the summit, the presidents of both countries agreed that they would not let Wikileaks pollute the otherwise great relationship between Mexico and the United States.

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